For the 6th time a team composed of meteorologists, gas balloons specialists and engineers from the HEIA-FR have worked together as the race head quarter of the swiss team of Laurent Scyboz and Nicolas Tièche for the Gordon Bennet race 2019. Members of FRISAM who have developped mathematical models of the balloons dynamics and trajectory predictions where part of the scientific team. This year the race started in Montbéliard (France). The Swiss team won the competition with a traveled distance of 1 774 km up to the Black sea in Romania .
Tag Archives: optimisation
Optimisation de forme d’un avion supersonique
Shape optimization of magnetic coils
Having parameterized the original shape, we look for the optimal values of the shape parameters. The objective is to produce magnetic
fi elds as homogeneous as possible, while satisfying thermal (cooling)
and mechanical (structural) constraints.